I have logged https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-7085 to track this issue.

On 8/21/20 3:40 PM, Rick Hillegas wrote:
Hey Bryan,

That sounds like a good alternative. I will give some thought to which jobs I think are useful.  Removing the alpha docs can wait to see if a volunteer steps up.


On 8/21/20 1:58 PM, Bryan Pendleton wrote:
Hi Rick,

I was on holiday and not paying attention, I guess this took me by surprise.

I agree it's not the highest priority.

However, I also think that the Jenkins jobs are valuable.

I wonder if:
1) We should open a JIRA to look into this -- perhaps we'll get a volunteer
from the community to do this?
2) A first step might be to try to identify which of our current Jenkins
jobs are deemed most valuable, and which we don't think are all that


On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 8:06 AM Rick Hillegas <rick.hille...@gmail.com>

It looks like our Jenkins jobs are going to be shut down. The attached
email links to instructions for how to migrate from Jenkins to Cloudbees. Infra thinks that it is a trivial exercise--and it may be for someone well
versed in both continuous integration agents.

I don't feel inclined to do this migration, myself. If no-one volunteers
to do this migration, then I volunteer to remove the Alpha Docs section
from our Documentation page; after the migration, the alpha doc links will
point no where.

Can anyone think of other changes we need to make after Jenkins is turned



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Jenkins instance builds.a.o being shut down 22nd August.
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 14:23:52 +0200
From: Gavin McDonald <gmcdonald-in...@apache.org>
Reply-To: priv...@db.apache.org, us...@infra.apache.org
To: Apache Infrastructure <us...@infra.apache.org>

Hi All PMCs,

As per the many notifications on the builds@a.o mailing list over the last few weeks; and the big yellow banner notification on builds.a.o instance
itself, Jenkins is due to be turned off.

The original date for turning off the service was 15th August - *Today!* - However some projects are yet to make the migration to the new server(s)
(either ci-builds.a.o for the majority or ci-hadoop.a.o for Hadoop and
related projects.)

The deadline has - for one time only - been extended to *22nd August* - so
you have 1 more week only to move your jobs.

After that, builds.a.o WILL be turned off for good and the DNS will
redirect to ci-builds.a.o.

Today I will be moving over most of the remaining agents to the new
masters, leaving just a minimal few for those that still need to migrate.

Job config xml files will be saved. However you can always grab them
yourselves at any time.

See the handy script [1] that can help you migrate all jobs at once - take only 5 minutes! - After which tweaks may need to be done, or in most cases

[1] -


Please feel free to forward this message to your dev communities. Replies
should go to users@infra.a.o or new questions should go to builds@a.o

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