John Embretsen wrote:
Jean T. Anderson wrote:

(3) It's hard to find the downloads

I'm surprised by the number of requests I get which are "where are the downloads?" Even though downloads are on the home tab, they clearly aren't visible. So make downloads its own tab?

The real estate of a web browser can accommodate only so many tabs, so we have to choose carefully. I'm hoping to free up some time soon to look more closely at each of these areas.

That is somewhat surprising, yes. One alternative approach that might help (if adding a new "Downloads" tab is too much), is to add a "Downloads" section (with links to the real downloads page) high up on the main page (somewhere around "News" and "Derby Project Charter"). Those headings are among the firsts things I notice when I go to Just a thought.

That home page is another thing that could use serious redesign, :-) something simpler that links to the charter.

Torque has a home page that provides a synopsis and a link to the most current release: . (Moving that up after their "What is Torque?" section would make it instantly visible.) And I like the way JDO has the news on the home page (

So maybe a revamped Derby home page could have something like:

  What is Derby? (brief description and link to charter)


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