Rick Hillegas wrote:

>> Be interesting to see what cannot be run when using the classes
>> directly
> I'm building the JDBC4 support for autoloading the driver. This involves
> writing your driver name into a special location in the jar file. The
> autoloading test needs to get a connection to Derby without ever
> mentioning the Derby driver. This should only succeed if run against jar
> files under jdk1.6.

Cool I'd hoped someone was going to add that.

You could have/simulate the same behaviour for classes and pre-jdk 1.6
by using the System property jdbc.drivers. Something that isn't
currently tested.

If you do go the jar only route, for purely selfish reasons a jar only
suite would be useful for me in the future. I've been thinking about
tests to ensure the packages are sealed, by having procedures or
functions load classes that extend derby classes. But I'm a long way off
getting round to attempting it.


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