Myrna van Lunteren wrote:
When - I think Rick - made the first junit test, I suggested a different directory for it. I was thinking of a future time, when the current test harness would be completely replaced by a junit-based framework. In that rosy future, all 'converted', and any 'new' tests would be junit based, until finally, nothing worthwhile remained under the current <trunk>/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests dir. In that scenario, I was thinking the junit tests, and presumably some sort of framework/harness for gathering totals etc. to show up under <trunk>/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/junitTests/...
With comparable directory structure as is currently under functionTests.
This is not where the tests junit tests ended up. As it is now, we might as well put them in their logical place under functionTests/tests.

I think the general feedback I get is that it is OK to put the junit SUR-tests into: ../functionTests/tests/jdbcapi, so I have therefore updated the patch.

As far as I know, svn is capable of handling moving of repository files (svn move), so if someone want to refactor the test hiearchy for junit tests in the future, they could do so while keeping the history of the junit tests. Of course, getting it perfect the first time would have been preferrable.

-- Andreas

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