Mike Matrigali (JIRA) wrote:
     [ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-1067?page=all ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-1067:

Thanks for the review comments. See some inline comments.

    Description:   (was: I am reviewing this patch.  (mike matrigali)
2 major concerns with this patch:
1) The timestamp is implemented in runtime, but not persistent.  The container
   can be thrown away as soon as someone is not referencing it, which I believe
   can happen in the holdable cursor case.   If you want to implement the
   timestamp then I think you have to add to the container header
   (see FileContainer line 278 for container header description), and
   follow code that updates estimated row count for how it is updated and
   read.  Note that doing this is an UPGRADE issue, and you should think
   about soft vs. hard upgrade for this feature.

I am addressing this issue, by writing the time stamp in the header as you suggested.

   For more comments about upgrade I need to know your plan.  On soft upgrade
   will timestamp be bumped or not.  I would prefer that it not be changed.

Right now, it would be bumped whenever someone executes online compress.
Can you run online compress during soft upgrade ? I guess the alternative would be to prevent hodable SUR during soft upgrade.

   The current assumption for "unused" fields in store is that they are
   guaranteed with a specific value (usually 0) before an upgrade.  So
   on hard upgrade we know the starting value.  Also if you change it in
   soft upgrade then you have to make sure that all previous of 10.1 don't
   have a problem with that field not being 0 - sometimes there are assertions
   about the field being 0, don't know for sure in this particular case.

Yes, I would need to check that. I did not find any assertions on this field in the current code, however I have not yet checked with all versions of 10.1.

2) I would have expected tests specific to this change associated with the

Yes, currently I have provided some black box tests for holdable resultsets in HoldabilityTest. They will check this feature by running online compress on a table where we have a holdable SUR. This test of course requires the rest of the SUR implementation to actually test this.

Did you also expect some unit tests for store ?

   some testing areas of concern:
   o soft upgrade, make sure 10.1 works correctly on a 10.2 soft upgrade run.

I guess this could be done by extending the phaseTester, by doing a online compress in phase 2 (soft upgrade). In phase 3, the old 10.1 version would be started, and we should then see that it handles that the value in the FileContainer header has been changed.

   o what happens on timestamp overflow?

The next timestamp will be Long.MIN_VALUE, the next timestamp after that will be Long.MIN_VALUE +1. I think you would need to run very many compress operations on the table to actually test overflow, unless I inject some state.

minor comments:

general comments:
I would have rather seen the timestamp tied to the reusable rowlocation
concept rather than tied to compress.  While true the only thing in the
current code that breaks this is compress, so this may just be my itch.

Maybe I could do that, right now I have not. Is RowLocation known to the Container ? The compress concept seems to be.

should timestamp be more "time" related.  A single db may reuse a containerid,
but only after a shutdown/reboot cycle.  A time based timestamp would mean
the new container timestamp would be different from the old one.  Probably
does not matter for held cursors, but what makes sense for the generic new
timestamp feature?

Instead of using a long, do you think it would be good to introduce a new interface similar to PageTimeStamp (instead: ContainerTimeStamp) ?

why do you get the timestamp for the open cursor at close rather than open?

I will change this and initialize it when the cursor opens.

style comments:
don't want to start coding style arg here, and admit not all store code is
perfect.  Most the access code is consistent though, and uses the brace on
separate line standard.

No problem, I will update the style for my changes to put braces on a separate line.


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