This has been clarified in the JDBC 4.0 spec.

Again and i cannot say this often enough the tutorial and reference is not to be deemed the end-all when it comes to JDBC. The spec consists of the JDBC API javadocs and the PDF spec.

I am trying to correct as many issues that i can for JDBC 4.0. There are things in the tutorial that are wrong and there are some that are more correct. I am addressing them as i find them.


Fernanda Pizzorno wrote:
I just came accross that in the book "JDBC API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition". In the last paragraph of section "27.1.19 Queries That Produce Updatable Result Sets" (p.715) it stands:

"Result sets created by means other than the execution of a query, such as those returned by several methods in the DatabaseMetaData interface, are not scrollable or updatable, nor are they required to be."


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

I known I've seen a statement somewhere that listed the ResultSet
attributes for ResultSets returned from DatabaseMetaData methods.

It stated that such ResultSets were forward only etc.

Now I can't find that statement in JDBC 4.0/3.0 spec or the javadoc.Does
anyone remember where this statement is?


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