I agree that you can't really advertise a new feature as really available unless it's documented, and that in this scratch-your-itch world, this would seem to be something that the person writing the feature would be motivated to do. I think having a requirement that some specification is required before an interface is considered public is worth considering. Of course, the other people who may be itching to document a feature are those who want to use it, so I could imagine it being a collaborative effort.

I can add a note to the effect that "no interface can be considered a public interface (e.g. Stable, Unstable or Standard) unless it is documented in the user documentation". Would this get the point across?


Jeff Levitt wrote:
Hi David,

Yes I thinnk thats what I'm trying to say.  Of course
something can be implemented and not documented, or
the other way around, but my sense is that we are
trying to make acontract here for ourselves, and with
our users, and I think that if part of that contract
is to tell our users that what they see in the doc is
fact, then we should strive to always make that true. That means a new contribution would not be accepted
unless it included corresponding documentation.  If we
add a new function then either a patch to the DITA
source referencing that function is included, or at
the very least a full function spec is submitted so
that documentation can be written by someone else.

The bottom line would be that documentation would be
considered as important as codeline itself; quality
considerations would include documentation, just as
proper code consistency and standards are required.

Most contributors are not documentation specialists,
so maybe it is too much to ask, but I think if we are
telling users to accept the doc as the final word,
then we need to have some sort of MINIMUM doc
contribution requirement.  What do other people think?

--- "David W. Van Couvering"

Hi, Jeff.  I've been quiet on this comment because I
didn't fully understand it.

I *think* what you're saying is that an interface
can not be considered Stable or Unstable unless it's actually documented. Is that right?


Jeff Levitt wrote:

From a documentation perspective, I think if we


going to say on this page that items are stable AS
DOCUMENTED in the user documentation, then we also
need to put in some sort of requirement on this


that says any changes made to the stability of an


MUST be documented as well in order to be

committed an

considered stable.  Its not stable if its not
documented and we are telling people that it is


as documented.  Agreed?

I think this is something that would be good to

put in

to make sure that developers understand the


of documenting their work, whether its something


or a change to something that exists, and that its


just going to magically show up in the


if they put it in the code (unless its javadoc) :)

--- "David W. Van Couvering"

Thanks for your comments, Kathey, and yes, it can
definitely wait a week. It was just so quiet that I thought I'd do


"ping" and see if there was more to come from everyone.

Responses below...

Kathey Marsden wrote:

I wish I had more time to look at this but I

think that  I would add

these things.
-  In general any documented behaviour is a

stable interface, unless

specifically documented  here or in the

documentation as unstable.

I'm not sure how to handle this.  What does it


to "incompatibly change" documented behavior?

Usually the behavior is in relation to a given
interface. So perhaps in our definition of what it means to incompatibly change an interface means you can't change the documented behavior of that interface (e.g. the "contract" of that interface).

I think it's also fair to say that unless


called out in the table as otherwise, one can assume a publicly documented interface is Stable.

-   Derby will at a minimum negotiate down to the

lower interface

revision level:
  -   When different versions of Derby client

and server are used

together (in the same or different JVM's)
  -  When different jvm versions are used on

client and server.

I think this is a solution that provides a


of stability to the client/server interfaces. I can add this as a



I think by calling out the *specific* interfaces
that the client depends upon (DRDA, metadata procedures, system stored procedures, ???) and marking them as Stable or Private Stable is a


Good Idea in our attempts to provide the guarantee of client/server compatiblity. Note, for example, some of us newbies changing the metadata procedures willy nilly because we were unaware of the impact on compatibility. Having these called out will make us all more conscious


what we can and can't do within the system.

In the interface table I would add:
- Defaults returned by DatabaseMetaData methods


- Documented defaults

- console output format for tools and network

server      Unstable

- System stored procedures


OK, I'll add these.  I think the console output
format for tools and server should actually be marked Private -- it's


documented in the user documentation, and can change at any time.

Dumb question: are system stored procedures in the
user documentation? If not, perhaps they should be Private Stable


than Stable? If they're not documented, what is driving the requirement that they be stable - client/server compatibility?

Under notes  It would be good to mention:



Could we wait a week for a vote?    I think I


to study this some more.

Thanks David for doing this.

Yes, sure, and you're welcome.



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