OK, I think I agree that reducing configuration wins out over space (up to a point). Another reason to keep our jar files small! :)


Andrew McIntyre wrote:
On 4/5/06, David W. Van Couvering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I often have multiple checkouts on my machine, one for something I'm
running derbyall, one for something I'm actively working on, and one for
patches I need to evaluate.

I don't think it's crucial, but is there a way to have a single set of
jar files that can be shared across multiple code checkouts?  Is that
what you are making possible by changing the svn:externals property?

No, what svn:externals allows you to do is have a single, external
source for a directory in your hierarchy. Then multiple branches do
not each carry copies of the files, they are sourced from the external
location when you perform a checkout.

Sharing a single set across checkouts would necessitate configuring a
master location for the files, and I think what we want for the
upgrade tests is a zero configuration policy so that automated tests
can be run without any additional setup. I suppose we could require an
extra step to checkout the jars or configure a master location for the
jars for the upgrade tests before a full build-and-test on a new
checkout can complete, but I tend to prefer less configuration, not
more. :-)


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