Andrew McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What version of svn / svnversion are you using? I'm using 1.2.0, and
> I'm not seeing this problem. Even if I cd to tools/testing/derby and
> svn up the external directory to a new revision, my Derby basedir
> still reports the same revision without a range.

I am using version 1.2.3 of svn/svnversion when seeing this problem:

   khepri07% svnversion --version
   svnversion, version 1.2.3 (r15833)
      compiled Nov 17 2005, 12:50:37

When you were checking for this problem, did you do a clean check-out
or checking on an already checked out version of Derby?

Here is how I can reproduce the problem:

1. Do a clean check-out of Derby:

   khepri07% svn checkout
   A    trunk/README
   A    trunk/build.xml
    U   trunk

   Fetching external item into 'trunk/tools/testing/derby/10.1'
   A    trunk/tools/testing/derby/10.1/derbyclient.jar
   A    trunk/tools/testing/derby/10.1/derbyTesting.jar
   Checked out external at revision 395798.

   Checked out revision 395796.

NB: Verify that the external revision has reported a different version
    (in my example above: 395798) than the version reported for the Derby
    source (395796). (if not, try a new check-out)

2. Check what svnversion reports for this check-out:

   khepri07% cd trunk
   khepri07% svnversion . /repos/asf/db/derby/code/trunk

This results in sysinfo reporting a svn version range for each of the jar 


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