I really do not want a war of words here as it serves zero purpose.

Methods that are deprecated are never guaranteed to be removed though it is possible they could. There are no plans to remove any methods that are deprecated from JDBC and going forward unless there is a method that is severely broken/dangerous, it will not be marked deprecated, but instead a note explaining the preferred method will be added to the spec/javadocs.

If you want to ask the question a different way and revisit whether setUniCodeStream can be considered optional, then do so please and i will consider it and have that discussion with the EG. JDBC drivers that have been around since the early days implemented this method.

In compatibility testing, we do not remove or exclude tests just because something was deprecated, as long as the method is in the spec it is expected to function. JDBC is probably one of the poorer specs in this regard which is something i am working diligently to address.

Kathey Marsden wrote:
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

We will not be
removing them from the spec and just because something is deprecated, it
does not mean that it should not be implemented or ignored.  It just
means that there are alternative methods that are recommended.
Wow! This is not how I understood the word deprecation. I looked it up on wikipedia because I thought maybe I was using it wrong all these years. I am a big fan of a *very *long deprecation period, but I never imagined that new drivers would need to implement deprecated methods.


In computer software <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_software> standards and documentation, *deprecation* is the gradual phasing-out of a software or programming language <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming_language> feature.

A feature or method marked as deprecated is one which is considered obsolete, and whose use is discouraged. The feature still works in the current version of the software, although it may raise error messages <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_message> as warnings. These serve to alert the user to the fact that the feature may be removed in future releases.

Is there some official language around what deprecation means for the JDBC API?


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