A note that it would be great if these discussions could be maintained as comments on the JIRA.

I think including Network Server specific features would be good to include in this document, I don't know why a separate document is needed. There are a lot of valuable features that could be added there for monitoring and tuning not just the server but also the network channel between client and server.


Sanket Sharma wrote:

The document you are referring to is C Language Style Guide, not Java. I
just don't understand why, as there are several Java-specific coding
guidelines out there. A couple of them are mentioned here:

corrected. Thank you for pointing out!


There is obviously a typo at:
"6.3 Remove vs. Local"


I don't really understand what you are saying about JMX functionality
and the Derby Network Server, but maybe that is because I don't know
much about JMX...

Under "5.2.3 Network Server" you write

"The proposed extensions promise to deliver live monitoring of system
along with the "regular" administration features found in most
commercial database systems."

Then under "6.3 Remove vs. Local", you write in bullet 3.3:

"As a database server: Continuing what I said in (b) above, I think it
is the responsibility of the server framework to expose this
functionality to outside world, not the database engine."

What I wanted to say in (2) was these extensions will enable and
facilitiate a server framework that might want to provide management
and monitoring functionality. The server framework can simply expose
the interfaces offered by proposed extensions instead of writing all
the code. I have rephrased my thoughts and updated the document.
Thank You!

(Minor thing: I think there is a typo here, I think you mean to refer to
the nested 2), not b)). By "this functionality" I guess you mean remote
access to monitoring and management features.

The sublist was initiall labelled as a,b and c. I overlooked it while updating.

I guess what I don't understand is what role can/will the JMX extensions
play in a pure "Network Server" configuration, i.e. Derby running as a
stand-alone network server, where embedded access is a no-go?

These extensions will only *facilitate* such a server framework. In a
pure Network Server configuration, the server will ultimately need to
expose these interfaces and extensions. These extensions will provide
statistics and data that is common across all three usages scenarios
and concerns the core engine.
The extensions do not target Network server in particular. I think any
features specific for the Network server can be discussed in a
separate document. Atleast, this is what I think. Your opinion is


One final note, or rather a tip:

People are lazy (or, a nicer way to put it: People have limited time to
spend reading other people's documents).

So, if you want as many people as possible to read your document(s), it
might be wise to reduce the number of hoops they have to jump through in
order to do so. I.e., I would recommend publishing relatively simple
html documents "as is", so that people can view it using one click in
their browser instead of the more cumbersome download-unzip-open
procedure. If you really need CSS, perhaps you can embed it in your HTML?
Anyway, that was just a suggestion.

Okiedokie!! I have upload a plain html document.

Thank You!

Best Regards,
Sanket Sharma

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