Jeff Levitt wrote:

> As the person who contributed the DITA-converted
> documentation, I can tell you I didn't bump the
> edition up based on that.  I believe the pre-DITA
> documentation already said Second Edition.  

The pre-DITA (10.0) doc source says First Edition:

> The thought is that major releases (10.0, 10.1, 10.2)
> are First Editions, and subsequent fixpaks are Second,
> Third, Fourth editions etc., like 10.1.3 would be.  In
> any case, we haven't adhered to any kind of
> consistency on this with the guides, so I agree that
> we need to define what we feel is an "edition" and
> stick with it or remove it alltogether (although
> perhaps there's a legal reason to keep it?)

If we don't have a specific use for it, I recommend removing it. I don't
know of any legal reason to have it.


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