This is the later - I don't want the users to start the server.

BTW, I just prototyped a simple distributed peer-to-peer DataSource [1]. In my tests I can run about 7 parallel processes on my MacBook laptop that access the same database non-stop (each doing a select, then insert, then going to sleep for 2 seconds). When I started more processes, timeouts and errors start to occur, but playing with the DataSource parameters can increase the concurrency.

Not ideal but works. I may clean this up in the future, removing Cayenne EventManager dependency, coding it straight to the JavaGroups API.



[1] pool/

On Jun 29, 2006, at 6:25 PM, Mike Matrigali wrote:
Andrus Adamchik wrote:
Not a problem :-)
Yeah, I am looking for a solution that would work with a bunch of independent applications.

Just to understand is the reason network server solution is not ok
performance?  Or is the problem that you don't want to have to
start a server up just in case one of the independent apps wants

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