+++1, we need to fix these

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Hi Mike,

+1 to cleaning these up for 10.2. I would also add the following bugs:

830 - lang/dcl.sql failures on solaris
1352 - sysinfo locale-specific noise


Mike Matrigali wrote:

There are currently 24 regression test failures listed in jira, I think
most apply to the trunk.  Only one of them has anyone working on it.
I took a quick look at categorizing them.  It seems like we should at
least spend some time on the mainline jvm (1.4, 1.5, 1.6) issues verifying that problem is not likely a regression for the 10.2 release before going GA. I know I waste time every time I have to figure out if the test failure I encounterd is one of the growing set of "expected failures" or not. Fixing them now rather than during the RC
vetting period would make it more likely we could make the dates
Rick is aiming at.

Note this is just the regression test category, has anyone done any
review of the outstanding derby bugs and what would be appropriate to
fix before 10.2 goes GA?

mailine jvm
DERBY-1430 Test parameterMapping.java often fails DerbyNetClient on Solarisx86 DERBY-1404 i18nTest/iepnegativetests_ES and derbytools/iepnegativetests fails with ibm142 on linux
DERBY-1403  importExport.java fails with ibm142 on linux
DERBY-1320  Test lang/procedure.java fails with ibm1.5 jvm
DERBY-1108 The test jdbcapi/setTransactionIsolation.java fails with ibm jvm1.5 DERBY-1022 syscat.sql test failing due to change in size of a system table's column from VARCHAR(30) to VARCHAR(128) DERBY-988 jdbcapi/parameterMapping.java fails on Win2003 with 'P3=SQLSTATE(22007): SQL Exception: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect.'
DERBY-980   derbynet/testSecMec.java fails with InterruptedException
DERBY-957 Long passed into an exception gets displayed using locale specific formatting. i18n/locale issue
DERBY-952   DerbyNet/derbynetmats/NSinSameJVM fails on Win XP / Cygwin

compat testing:
DERBY-1084 jdbcapi/xaStateTran test fails with 10.1 client and derbyTesting.jar
 with 10.2 server.
DERBY-1083 jdbcapi/xaSimplePositive fails with 10.1 derbyTesting.jar and 10.1 c
lient with 10.2 server.

intermittent (anyone have a spare machine they can run test repeatedly over a weekend to give us an idea how intermittent?) DERBY-1248 Assert failure in BasePage.shiftUp() when running store/onlineBackup
DERBY-1237 unit/daemonService fails intermittently with > Shutting down due to
unit test failure.
DERBY-989 unit/daemonService.unit fails intermittently: 'ran out of time'
DERBY-973   Restore fails in OnlineBackupTest1
DERBY-967   lang/autoincrement.sql intermittently fails on SunOS-5.10_i86
DERBY-803 derbynet/DerbyNetAutoStart.java test fails intermittently with org.a
DERBY-1418 derbyall/storeall/storemore/OnlineBackupTest3 failed, unable to reproduce

DERBY-1419  MessageBundleTest.diff test failed in nightly run, jdk15
o i think should be taken off regression test list, was removed from suite

old jvm:
DERBY-1407 encryptionAll.fail:store/access.sql hangs on ibm1.3.1 while running
the blowfish test run
DERBY-1153  derbynet/SqlExceptionTest.junit fails with Sun JDK 1.3

not mainline jvm:
DERBY-1457  lang/triggerGeneral.sql fails intermittently with wsdd 5.6
DERBY-1179  demo/RunClassPathTester.java fails against IBM wsdd5.6

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