Deepa Remesh wrote:

Seeing these additional failures in the client/server compat tests.
These seem to be expected but just wanted to get feedback from others
in case we need to do something extra:

* derbynet/ (after DERBY-959)

The max query blocksize that is allowed in the server has changed with derby-959 from 32k to 10M. The 10.1 protocol.tests file has tests for invalid query block size and sends a value of 40000 and checks for the syntax error. But after 959 changes, the server will not throw an exception for 40000 value and thus the test fails. The diffs related to invalid query block size and too large value for qryblksz are expected.

There is no compatibility issue with this particular change.

Even without the 959 changes, I patched the 10.2 server with Knut's patch for DERBY-1425 and there are diffs with the test. I found Knut's comments on DERBY-1425 interesting with respect to & compatibility testing


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