Long story short someone who works with the client pointed out that the client is sending a QRYROWSET of size "0" when it sends the OPNQRY

Hi Army,

Page 698 of V.3 says:

  A QRYROWSET value of zero on the OPNQRY and EXCSQLSTT commands instructs
  the server to return no rows with the OPNQRYRM for the cursor or result
  set. A QRYROWSET value of zero on the CNTQRY command is invalid for
  non-rowset cursors and results in the application server generating a
  SYNTAXRM with a SYNERRCD value of '15'x (reserved value not allowed).

I'd say that our current behavior, as you describe it, seems wrong; we should
not be returning any rows when the client has set QRYROWSET to 0 on OPNQRY.

I think that we should modify the server code for 10.2 so that:

 - on OPNQRY and EXCSQLSTT, we only return rows if QRYROWSET is > 0.
 - on CNTQRY, we throw a syntax exception if QRYROWSET is 0

I'm quite interested to hear what others think about this.



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