To me this is a problematic issue as i would expect the return type for the keys to match the datatype of the column.

Rick Hillegas wrote:
I would like the community's advice on whether the following Derby behavior is a bug and, if so, whether we would be allowed to change this behavior for 10.2:

A) Currently, Derby knows how to automatically generate values for columns of type SMALLINT, INT, and BIGINT. You get this behavior if you declare the column with this clause: "generated {always | by default} as identity".

B) You can retrieve autogenerated values using the Statement.getGeneratedKeys() call. This call returns a ResultSet with a DECIMAL column. That is, the autogenerated keys come back as DECIMAL even though they actually appear in the table as SMALLINT, INT, or BIGINT.

This seems a bit odd. One might expect that the returned keys would have the same datatype as the actual autogenerated value in the table. However, technically the javadoc for Statement.getGeneratedKeys() doesn't specify the shape of the ResultSet and we don't lose any precision. You can retrieve the value in the database by calling the appropriate getXXX() method on the DECIMAL result returned by Statement.getGeneratedKeys().

Before filing a bug on this, I'd like the community's advice:

1) Is this a bug? Should Statement.getGeneratedKeys() return a ResultSet whose column has the same type as the underyling autogenerated column?

2) If this is a bug, is it permitted to change this behavior in a minor release?


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