Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Kristian Waagan wrote:

I just discovered that we are having problems with the length less
overloads in the embedded driver. Before I add any Jiras, I would like
some feedback from the community. There are for sure problems in
SQLBinary.readFromStream(). I would also appreciate if someone with
knowledge of the storage layer can tell me if we are facing trouble
there as well.

SQL layer
  1) The method does not support streaming.
     It will either grow the buffer array to twice its size, or possibly
     more if the available() method of the input stream returns a
     non-zero value, until all data is read. This approach causes an
     OutOfMemoryError if the stream data cannot fit into memory.

I think this is because the maximum size for this data type is 255
bytes, so memory usage was not a concern.
SQLBinary corresponds to CHAR FOR BIT DATA, the sub-classes correspond
to the larger data types.

One question that has been nagging me is that the standard response to
why the existing JDBC methods had to declare the length was that the
length was required up-front by most (some?) database engines. Did this
requirement suddenly disappear? I assume it was discussed in the JDBC
4.0 expert group.
The new methods are optional in the spec as some vendors do not require the length and this issue (requiring a length) is a constant compliant from JDBC users.

We decided to add the methods, leaving them optional for supporting  as of now so if you do not support them you throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException. 
I haven't looked at your implementation for this, but the root cause may
be that derby does need to verify that the supplied value does not
exceed the declared length for the data type. Prior to any change for
lengthless overloads the incoming length was checked before the data was
inserted into the store. I wonder if with your change it is still
checking the length prior to storing it, but reading the entire value
into a byte array in order to determine its length.

  2) Might enter endless loop.
     If the available() method of the input stream returns 0, and the
     data in the stream is larger than the initial buffer array, an
     endless loop will be entered. The problem is that the length
     argument of read(byte[],int,int) is set to 0. We don't read any
     more data and the stream is never exhausted.

That seems like a bug, available() is basically a useless method.

To me, relying on available() to determine if the stream is exhausted
seems wrong. Also, subclasses of InputStream will return 0 if they don't
override the method.
I wrote a simple workaround for 2), but then the OutOfMemoryError
comes into play for large data.

Store layer
I haven't had time to study the store layer, and know very little about
it. I hope somebody can give me some quick answers here.
  3) Is it possible to stream directly to the store layer if you don't
     know the length of the data?
     Can meta information (page headers, record headers etc.) be updated
     "as we go", or must the size be specified when the insert is

Yes the store can handle this.



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