Rick Hillegas wrote:
I would like to understand how the community influences the standards which govern Derby:

1) SQL - I've been participating in Derby for a year now. Over the past year I don't recall any discussion about a need to change the SQL standard. We have proposed new language in rare cases not covered by the ANSI volumes. However, I don't recall any attempt to contact the SQL group and try to change their spec. Do we need to influence this spec and if so, how do we propose to do so?

2) JDBC - There has been substantial discussion about the upcoming JDBC4 spec.. Fortunately for us, the spec lead is a member of our community. In several cases he has taken our viewpoint back to the JDBC expert group and advocated our position. However, we don't know who will lead the expert group for JDBC5. How do we expect to influence the next rev of JDBC?
I am already gathering input and working on my JDBC.next planning so you cannot get rid of me that easily Rick :-)

3) DRDA - Over the last year, I failed to get a Boolean datatype into the DRDA spec. This stemmed from the internal dynamics and pay-for-play nature of the spec's governing body, the DBIOP Consortium. How do we expect to influence the DRDA spec?

If there's a general solution which covers all of these cases, that's great. If we handle each spec differently, that's fine too. I'd just like some discussion and guidance.


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