On 8/15/06, Deepa Remesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/15/06, Laura Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deepa, if a doc update is required, can you please open an issue for this?

No further doc update is required for this. The information about this
method is in the javadocs.

The only doc change that was required was to update the reference
manual to remove this method from "not implemented" list. I verified
this is already done and noted this fact in "Documentation Available"

Maybe, this is not the intent of this column. Looks like it is used to
indicate the state of doc patches. I'll remove my comment from there.


Actually Deepa, I think that it is appropriate to inidate that the
updates to the documentation were verfied/validated in that column.  I
just wanted to be sure that, in addition to the javadoc, that no other
updates are required.

Laura Stewart

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