Myrna van Lunteren wrote:

Did you by chance try out the 3.8.2 junit with derbyall? (I assume so but you didn't say).

Yes, a few times. To verify, I just synced my clean working copy of trunk (SVN 436672) and gave derbyall w/junit3.8.2 a try:

* Sun's JVM 1.4.2 - 0 failures
* Sun's JVM 1.5.0 - 1 failure (derbynet/, not related to JUnit)

and I gave the jdbc40 suite w/junit 3.8.2 a try using

* Sun's JVM 1.6.0-rc_b97 - 1 failure (, which also fails with junit 3.8.1)

The test host OS was Solaris 10 (x86).


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