Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Kathey Marsden wrote:
Kathy Saunders wrote:

I'm not sure what decisive action we can take prior to a 10.2
release.  We've asked the user community to test with some response,
but not a lot.  The users will only do their testing when they are
My proposal is that we embark on a three week motivation campaign until
October 3.


We don't have a release candidate yet -- don't we need to get some ducks
in a row?

(1) Declare consensus on how to proceed with the release.

I believe I hear general agreement that Dan's Plan B is the preferred path:

Option A - Source only release with JDBC 4.0 based on proposed final draft
 Derby 10.2 release is source only, no pre-compiled jars, removes the
dependency on the Mustang download.

Option B - Release pre-compiled jars without JDBC 4.0 optional build
 Option A plus pre-compiled jars without JDBC 4.0, already supported by
just compiling without a Java SE 6/Mustang JDK.

Are there any objections? If not, I recommend moving on to #2.

(2) Produce an actual release candidate for people to test.

The is not a releasable candidate because it was built
with jdk16 (correct?) and I assume that Rick might want to mega-merge in
any changes since the last mega-merge. Is that a good/bad assumption, Rick?
Hi Jean,

I will definitely want to mega-merge before building a new beta candidate. The following issues prevent us from building a release candidate, however:

1) We need to wrap up or downgrade the urgency of the remaining Urgent issues (

2) As you've described, we need to adjust the user guides to clarify how a customer would see JDBC4 behavior.

3) We need to bundle Release Notes with the distribution. I'm working on this right now.


The "motivation campaign" Kathey talks about could be part of this test.
I bet there might be some debate over how long that test period should
be, but it might be more productive to debate over an actual release

(3) Vote on that release candidate if it seems stable.


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