Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Lance J. Andersen wrote:

It is definitely a bug Dan if it has not been resolved.

If you feel the section in the spec could be clearer, please let me know
as i have a small window to clarify this area.
I think if the functionality is working then the spec is fine, I only
got confused by the incorrect behaviour.

Actually reading on to later sections they only ever mention "field
within a data class", never using JavaBean setter and getters. Does this
mean those sections (19.3.3, only apply to fields?

As an example, how would I use the ResultColumn Annotation with JavaBean
setter and getter methods?
Unfortunately no for ResultColumn as we needed to change the Annotation to be method and field, not just field for the Target type.  We meant to support this but missed the window to update the annotation.

For allColumnsMapped, this is indeed supposed to work with setters/getters.  I will clarify this a bit better as this wording was added prior to including JavaBeans property support.



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