I am trying to add myself to the list of PMC members, using Jean's excellent instructions. At this point, I have checked in my edits to the list. They should be sitting in the apache db repository. So I'm on to deploying the changes. This involves a remote ssh key and lands me on the following hurdle: I need to log onto


I don't seem to be able to ssh to this machine using my apache username and password. Is there some other account I should be using? If not, whom should I petition?


Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Bryan Pendleton wrote:
Mike Matrigali wrote:

any idea how we do that?

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Could all the Derby committers please ensure their name is on the DB
project page.

I asked about this over on general@db.apache.org, and
Henning Schmiedehausen pointed me at


Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress on this yet, because
I don't have much experience with maven.

after Derby graduated from the incubator I posted some instructions to
derby-dev that might help:


in that post I mentioned that I had trouble with the deploy, but
[EMAIL PROTECTED] helped me work that out and I just updated the instructions
at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/site/README.txt shortly after
Bryan posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, committers add themselves to
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/site/projects/derby/project.xml and
pmc members add themselves to

If you discover you don't have svn permissions to commit to the db site
repo send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] requesting that you be granted

I hope this helps,


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