As discussed and recorded in DERBY-1952 I have split some of the JUnit tests out so that they are *no longer* run under the old test harness and hence are *not* part of derbyall. (on the trunk).

A top-level JUnit test (suite) exists that runs all the tests that were removed from derbyall, the test's name is:


JUnit tests will continue to be added so that they run under this All test and thus be removed from the old harness.

Instructions on how to run this Junit test are in

with notes on the configuration setup and how to write suite() methods in

I've been updating the wiki so that I think it is up to date with the latest changes.

I would encourage those that regularly run nightly or other testing to add this JUnit test into their framework. I'm sure there will be some issues getting it running on all the platforms but they should be easy to work through.

There is more work to be done for some of the tests in All so that they also run in the client server by themselves, and I'm working on it for the tests in tests.jdbcapi.

I'm also planning on laying out some form of a plan or work items that would move us completely over to JUnit.

PS. The current runtime for this suite is a few minutes.

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