With revision 502400 I created top-level suite that mimics the encryption suite from the old harness. It runs a set of tests against a number of encryption algorithms, those from the set used in the old harness. It only has one test in it, LobStreamsTest, as that is the only converted test (so far) that runs in the old encryption suite.

I have not yet added to suites.All as I'd like to get some more testing done on it. I've tested on windows with these JVMs with no issues:

Sun: 1.4.2, 1.5, 1.6
IBM: 1.4.2, 1.5

I'd appreciate others running on other platform/vm combinations to see if the algorithms are supported everywhere, or if the test needs to check to see if an algorithm is available before running. I know it needs some additional logic to handle not running in J2ME.

I'll plan on committing it into suites.All (& the ant targets) next week if no problems appear.

Test class:



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