i would recommend returning false as this returned result is not tied to an updatable ResultSet but to whether you can definitively determine the column cannot be modified. This is a JDBC 1.0 method.


Kathey Marsden wrote:
Client and embedded differ for isReadOnly.  The javadoc explains it as:

"Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable."

Embedded always returns false and indicates that this is refering to the base table column:
public final boolean isReadOnly(int column) throws SQLException {

       // we just don't know if it is a base table column or not
       return false;

Client returns whether the resultset is updateable or not:

   public boolean isReadOnly(int column) throws SQLException {
           if (sqlxUpdatable_ == null) {
return (resultSetConcurrency_ == java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); // If no extended describe, return resultSet's concurrecnty
return sqlxUpdatable_[column - 1] == 0; // PROTOCOL 0 means not updatable, 1 means updatable
       catch ( SqlException e )
           throw e.getSQLException();

Which is right here?


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