Stanley Bradbury wrote:
As stated in my comment on the TERRITORY_BASED collation problem at:

This problem greatly limits the use of TERRITORY_BASED collation and for the sake of that feature needs to be fixed quickly. Rather than hold up the release along with all the other features and fixes I am proposing a 10.3.2.x release be planned for 4-6 weeks following (assuming this is approved next week). This release would correct DERBY-2896 and any other problems that might be reported and backported in the early days of 10.3.

Does this sound like a good plan or would producing a 'fix' release be a lot more work/testing than stopping and waiting for this to be fixed? I figure it best to hash this out now rather than waiting until the day of the vote.

I think a 10.3.2 release that includes a number of bugfixes that do not make it for 10.3.1 would be a good thing. The motivation in the community to spend time on fixing these bugs will decide how useful it is, I guess. If a significant number of bugs are fixed, then the work involved in creating a 10.3.2 release will seem worth it.

In principle I think the 10.3.1 release should be judged independently of whether there will be a bugfix release shortly after or not. I don't think a future bugfix release should influence whether a bug is a blocker or not for this release.


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