Please vote on whether we should require that developers use a Java 5 (or later) compiler in order to build Derby. This means that the shell window running the build should have its JAVA_HOME pointed at a Java 5 or later jdk and the corresponding javac should be what's visible on PATH. The practical implication of this change is that the Derby build will fail when run from a jdk1.4 environment.

Please note that, even after this vote, we still expect the following to hold:

1) All mandatory Derby code must still be at jdk1.4 (or earlier) level. The build will still compile mandatory code into classes that run on jdk1.4.

2) Derby 10.4 will continue to run on the same platforms that 10.3 does--including the CDC small platforms.

This change will make the following possible:

A) Optional product code can be written which takes advantage of Java 5 features. This code will only run if Derby detects that it is running on a vm at level Java 5 or later.

B) Test code can be written to make sure that Derby correctly interacts with user code which is at Java 5 level or later.

This is a lazy consensus vote. The polls close at 5:00 pm on Wednesday October 3.


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