Thomas Nielsen wrote:
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Seems that it might be possible with this to start using some 1.5 language constructs in Derby's code: those that compile down to standard byte code. This would be by using -source 1.5 -target 1.4 in the build.xml files.

Be *very* careful about what 1.5 language features you start using in your code. It's not as easy as specifying -source 1.5 -target 1.4 to get a 1.4 compatible class/jar.

If you end up using the "wrong" language constructs in your code, you will become dependant on additional libraries like Retrowaver (or similar) that implements the missing features/classes for you.

To be clear I explicitly meant Java language constructs (ie. JLS), not 1.5 new methods or classes. As Bryan said if you could share your experience that would be helpful.


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