
Recently I was able to test Netbeans' JavaDB (derby) GUI tools and I
should say it was a very enjoyable experience. But I also had some

- I normally create the database directory inside my program's
directory and then use embedded driver to connect it.

- Netbeans creates its directory in a specific place and it is
difficult to change it to your own directory and back to its initial
one every time. (to be able to manage several databases)

- I want it to be able to manage different derby directories easily
(in addition be able to manage/connect a databases using socket and

Now, is there a GUI available which does all these things?

If not then I might be interested in a project to build such a thing
(like Netbeans' JavaDB interface but as a separate application which
also handles mentioned issues easily).

I appreciate if you can give me feedback on this.


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