Hi - Derby-2188 is about locale info within Derby.  One file,
cdevin55108.html, has some confusing info about locale and error

Below is from Mamta's comment on this issue and I am hoping someone on
derby-dev can address these issues for us.

cdevin55108.html says
"For example, Derby explicitly supports Spanish-language error
messages. If a database's locale is set to one of the Spanish-language
locales, Derby returns error messages in the Spanish language." So
this seems to indicate that locale of the database will determine the
language of the error messages. But the line below seems to say that
locale of the database has nothing to do with language of the error
messages. "The locale of the database is set by the territory=ll_CC
attribute when the database is created. However, **the locale of the
error messages and tools is not determined by the locale of the
database**. The locale of the error messages and tools is determined
by the default system locale. This means that it is possible to create
a database with a non-default locale. In such a case, error messages
are not returned in the language of the locale of the database but are
returned in the language of the default locale instead."

Laura Stewart

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