Rick Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I have checked in some build logic which automatically sets the > compiler classpath properties. This is part of the work on DERBY-3117 > and the goal, ultimately, is to have a Derby build script which works > out of the box without any customizing of ant.properties.
Hi Rick, I tested the patch on Solaris 10 and on Solaris Express Community Edition snv_77, with JDK 1.4 and JDK 5 installed on their default locations and JAVA_HOME unset, but both attempts failed because the JDK 1.4 installation is not found. I think the problem lies in that the Solaris packages install the different JDK versions to these two locations: /usr/jdk/j2sdk1.4.2_06 /usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_13 However, j2sdk1.4.2_06 is a symlink to ../j2se and jdk1.5.0_13 is a symlink to instances/jdk1.5.0, so when the symlinks are followed, they don't seem to be installed in neighbour directories. Unless you immediately see how to solve this, I'll take a look at it tomorrow. When I manually installed the JDKs in neighbour directories under /usr/local/java and put /usr/local/java/jdk1.5.0/bin first in the PATH, it worked just fine, though. > In order to take advantage of this automatic property setting today, > you need to remove some existing properties from your ant.properties > (j14lib, j15lib, java14compile.classpath, java15compile.classpath) > and, instead, set the following in ant.properties: I don't think our build system knows about j15lib or java15compile.classpath. Should we add a note about them in BUILDING.txt, and also define them in tools/ant/properties/compilepath.properties? If I understand correctly, we can't actually build Java 5 code unless we either set those properties or use the automatic property setting, so we'll have to wait until those properties are mandatory before we can start using Java 5 code in engine code? -- Knut Anders