On 11/22/07, Vemund Ostgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to run suites.All on the phoneME advanced platform. I've
> compiled my own cvm for foundation profile 1.1, with the optional jsr169
> jdbc support.
> The first hurdle I've struck is that I get a MalformedURLException
> saying "unknown protocol: https". It seems that some SSL support is
> missing, and I wasn't immediately able to find out how to add it. The
> line in the test code that causes problems for me is:
>    static final String OLD_JAR_URL =
>        "https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/derby/jars";;
> in org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests._Suite.
> When I change this URL to "http" I am able to start the test. Is there a
> reason this has to be "https"? I seem to be able to access that URL fine
> in my browser when i change it to "http".
> Vemund
I don't think this needs to be https.
I modified the _Suite.java with revision 597467. If I was wrong, it
can be changed back.


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