Frank Griffin wrote:
Kathey Marsden wrote:
Frank Griffin wrote:
get-go (of course, how you could open JDBC access without actually
opening JDBC access is a bit of a conundrum).

Any ideas or direction ?

You could connect with the embedded driver to do your initial setup
before starting network server and letting clients in.
I gave this a try, and almost got it to work.  My code does its initial
setup by loading the embedded driver and submitting CREATE FUNCTION
statements, and that works fine.  When it's done, it tries to turn
control over to the Network Server.  The problem is, the Network Server
returns immediately, the app returns, and the JVM shuts down.

I think the jvm is exiting because your are returning from your java main method before the network server gets a chance to start its thread.

The javadoc for NetworkServerControl.start() indicates one can ping the server to check when it is ready:


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