Hi Stephan, thanks for your interest in Derby!

I'm re-forwarding your message to the derby-dev list because
your request for developer access might have been overlooked
by the JIRA admins on the list.

Hopefully with this new subject line one of them will pick it up.

Thanks again, and welcome to Derby!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: dblook fails on TERRITORY_BASED databases
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 20:26:30 +0100
From: Stephan van Loendersloot (LIST) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: <derby-dev@db.apache.org>
Organization: REPUBLiKA B.V.
To: derby-dev@db.apache.org

Bryan Pendleton wrote:
I've created small patches for myself by replacing all related queries in the 'tools' section with CASTs to CHARs and VARCHARs and would like to contribute these to the community in case anyone else can confirm this is a bug.

I see the same problem with your script in my environment; this certainly
seems like a bug to me. I think it would be much appreciated if you
could contribute the test case and your fixes.



Thanks for the confirmation Bryan.

I've just created a JIRA account (username: whistle) and filed the bug
as DERBY-3458.

I would like to request developer access, because I may look into
further contributions in the future.

Should I request this in a new thread?


Stephan van Loendersloot

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