Hello Developers -

I would like to follow up on the suggestion made by Kathey Marsden that an announcement be posted to derby-user recommending that version 10.3 users upgrade to a Derby version that contains the fix for DERBY-3347. The email from Binoy Thomas this morning could be an incident of DERBY-3347 [Subject: DB gets corrupts in!!]

In hopes of moving this forward I have drafted such an announcement and would greatly appreciate review and suggestions from the developers most familiar with this bug. In the message below I have listed the reported error and loosely described other errors that might be generated should a database become corrupted by this defect. I recommend a course of action and use of database consistency checks. If particularly Knut would review and comment on the bug related information I would be very grateful. Word-smithing and other adjustments are also welcome.

If this proposal concerns you please respond or I will assume a lazy consensus.

And a couple of ideas to give this proposal more weight:

Would a PMC member volunteer to sponsor this post? Having an acknowledged leader of the development community would give the recommendation more weight in many circles. Can the recommendation, if posted, be identified as being made by or at least supported by the Development Community or a majority of the Development Community? Again this would give more weight and bring more attention to the recommendation. As currently worded the recommendation has no author other than the sender of the message.

 *** For Review and comment  ***


The Bottom Line:
It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to Derby to avoid any chance of database corruption due to DERBY-3347. Alternatively you can build version 10.3 from the current codeline which also contains the fix for this defect.

This bug can cause unrecoverable database corruption during periods of heavy, multi-thread I/O operations. The error produced in the test case used to diagnose the problem was:

ERROR XSDB3: Container information cannot change once written: was 0, now 80

It is felt that other errors might also be generated when this type of corruption occurs. The corruption message will most likely refer to page 0 of the container. EXAMPLE: ERROR XSDG1: Page Page(1039,Container(0, 5856)) could not be written...

This bug corrupts the pages on disk and can go unnoticed. If you do not run database consistency checks regularly it is recommended you begin doing so as soon as possible after the upgrade. To insure that corruption has not already occurred in existing databases, after upgrade run the database consistency at least once to validate all tables in the database. This process is documented at:


If corruption has already occurred the database will need to be recovered from the last good backup. Version can be downloaded from:
*** END of Proposed Post  ***

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