Hi Nick,

You can find information about how selectivity and cardinality statistics
are maintained by Derby at:




On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Nick Puz <nick.de...@me.com> wrote:

>  Hi Knut,
> Thanks for the response, I'll take a look into the cloudscape docs and how
> execute is implemented. I'll also look more at the statement cache to see
> about persisting it on shutdown and restoring on startup, so that then it
> could be done globally for all statements (as an option). Another
> alternative would be to let the user specify which to persist as a comment
> in the sql (as is done with the optimizer overrides to specify index usage,
> etc.), possibly as a different runtime option. The advantage of the first
> (global) is that apps could take advantage with no sql changes. Perhaps
> persist the N most recently used statements...
> In terms of invalidating, a crude but simple way would be to have the
> version of derby stored with the prepared statements and just to discard
> them if the version numbers differ. The same mechanism coudl be used as when
> deciding to recompile the system stored statements. What do you think?
> Besides version changes the statements should probably be
> removed/regenerated if the statistics used to determine the execution plan
> change. How does derby manage the statistics, are they automatically kept up
> to date or does the user have to do something specific? Do you happen to
> know what happens with the stored trigger actions, since they should have
> the same problem. I'll take a look at the code to try to figure it out in
> the next few days but just curious if you or another derby dev knows...
> -Nick
> On Friday, April 17, 2009, at 07:09AM, "Knut Anders Hatlen"
> <knut.hat...@sun.com> wrote:
> >Nick Puz <nick.de...@me.com> writes:
> >
> >> Hi Derby Developers,
> >>
> >> I'm evaluating derby for use in the backend of a internet (web+http
> >> direct) based service. We have a bunch of mid-tier app server type
> >> boxes that all access data mounted on a bunch of nfs filers (so any
> >> mid-tier can handle a user request) and so the current thinking is for
> >> usage pattern (mimicing what is done in other places in this 5+ year
> >> old live system) would be to:
> >> 1) lock db directory for user (using symlinks -- atomic nfs op)
> >> ... would be done external to derby.
> >> 2) open database for the user
> >> 3) do operation to satisfy caller's request
> >> 4) close db then remove lock.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately with this usage model the perf benefits of prepared
> >> statements go away (parameters still nicer then encoding for string
> >> sql stmts). I've done a bit of performance testing and as expected a
> >> ton of time is spent preparing a simple primary key lookup query
> >> (primarily due to opening/reading the many system tables and few
> >> indexes on the table), while the execution goes quite fast.
> >>
> >> In digging around the code I saw that the statements used for trigger
> >> actions are stored to remove this cost on each action invocation,
> >> would it be possible to expose this end user statements. In our case a
> >> mode that just keeps a persistent cache of the last N statements would
> >> be fine, no need to expose at all at the jdbc/sql level. I'm
> >> comfortable making the code change but would like to know before
> >> embarking on this the thoughts/advice of experienced derby developers.
> >
> >Hi Nick,
> >
> >I think you're right that it should be possible to build something on
> >top of the stored prepared statements to get what you need. Cloudscape
> >(Derby's predecessor) used to give you that functionality with CREATE
> >removed from the code before it was donated to Apache, but EXECUTE
> >STATEMENT is still there, so you can actually still do this to execute
> >one of the statements stored in SYS.SYSSTATEMENTS:
> >
> >PreparedStatement ps =
> >       conn.prepareStatement("execute statement sys.\"getSchemas\"");
> >ps.setString(1, "%");
> >ps.setString(2, "%");
> >ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
> >
> >The old CREATE STATEMENT syntax is described here:
> >
> http://www.dwfa.ca/Library/Java/Cloudscape/v3.6.1/doc/html/coredocs/sqlj15.htm
> >
> >My guess is that it was removed because the SQL standard doesn't define
> >a syntax for storing compiled statements (as far as I'm aware). If we
> >find a solution to the problem with the lack of a standardized way to do
> >it, I think such a functionality would be useful. (At least, I don't see
> >why persisting user-defined statements should be less useful than
> >persisting the meta-data queries, which we already do.)
> >
> >Persisting the statement cache on shutdown is an interesting thought,
> >and it would be transparent to the users. It should probably be optional
> >so that we don't start writing lots of data on shutdown for users that
> >don't need/want it, and I'd guess there would be some upgrade concerns
> >too. I think I'd prefer a per-statement solution, though, as it would
> >give the user better control over the behaviour.
> >
> >--
> >Knut Anders
> >
> >

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