On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Dag H. Wanvik <dag.wan...@sun.com> wrote:

> dag.wan...@sun.com (Dag H. Wanvik) writes:
> >
> > So if I understand this correctly; if users are defined only on the
> > database level (but BUILTIN user authentication is defined at the
> > system level), it will still be possible to shut down a Derby system
> > *without* supplying credentials?
> Actually not. I tested this, and there needs to be defined at least
> one user at the system level for a shutdown to work. So a more
> precise wording would be:
> "If you have enabled Derby's BUILTIN user authentication at the system
> level (for example, by setting the property
>      derby.connection.requireAuthentication=true
> in the derby.properties file), you will need to specify credentials
> (e.g. username and password) in order to shut down a Derby system
> *and* the supplied username/password must also be defined at the
> system level."
That works .

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