On10.04.2010 18:17, Nirmal Fernando wrote:
Hi All,
I think I found the reason, it's just that I'm using Windows Vista not
So in Windows my CLASSPATH variable's value should be following:
Note: *In Windows you have to use %aa% instead of $aa and ";" instead
of ":".*
Now I'm running Suites.All !! :) Usually how long will take to last?
Hi Nirmal,
On my machines it takes around 2 hours when I run with
-Dderby.system.durability=test, and I think around 3 hours if I run it
The setting tells Derby not to wait for an acknowledgement when writing
stuff to disk. It should be safe for testing, but *do not* use it when
running in production environments (a warning will be written to
derby.log when enabling the test mode).
Thanks for all of you for your replies !!!
Best Regards,
C.S.Nirmal J. Fernando
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.