On 6/13/05, Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Currently, I'm getting error "ERROR 25502-..." stating I can issue
update command because database, connection or user is read only.
But I'm getting the connection same way I issue for every operation, and
don't know why it's saying "readonly". I suspect the real problem is
because I'm trying to update a column that has a reference to another
table, and the constraint is ON UPDATE NO ACTION.

Could be this possible? May be the pt_BR message is wrong for this error
Well...the pt_BR & en message are in sync...as far as I can read portuguese, that is.
I think your hunch is probably correct.
To find out more, you could debug what's happening. If you add derby.infolog.append=true
in a file derby.properties where your database is sitting then you should find more helpful info (if overmuch) in the derby.log.


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