suresh or anyone else, could you take a look at the page dump and
see if I am missing anything?

Mike Matrigali wrote:

> thanks for the more info.  Definitely interested if you can reproduce
> on different device.  I did a quick look at the page dump and on the
> surface nothing jumped out, the ascii dump of the data looks reasonable,
> there is a set of 0's in the middle as expected with a set of what looks
> like a reasonable page offset table at the end, the last page offset
> points at what looks like the last record.  Next step is to decode
> the actual values in stuff like the page hdrs, see if the zero's in the
> middle are right or if there is missing data pointed to by the offset
> table.
> Some more questions:
> o what kind of device was this error on (ie. IDE, SCSI, flash card, ...)
> o were you setting any non-default derby properties?
> o was this database encrypted?
> o When you were loading the db was there any crash encountered?
> When you try to reproduce could you set the following property so that
> derby.log will have a complete record of any errors, by default it gets
> overwritten every time:
> If the data in your db is not sensitive would you be willing to provide
> it.  I realize it is probably very big, so I am not sure the best way.
> Derby db's do tend to compress well using standard zip.
>>The error is always on the same page ( 10031 ).
>>I ran the SYSCS_CHECK_TABLE command and I get the same error displayed
>>about the page checksum error
>> that is listed in the derby.log.
>>I took a look at the OS logs but there was nothing that would indicate a IO
>>I am attaching the derby.log file.
>>(See attached file: derby.log)
>>I will run this scenario on several devices to try to recreate the problem.
>>|         |           Mike Matrigali   |
>>|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
>>|         | >         |
>>|         |                            |
>>|         |           09/07/2005 12:47 |
>>|         |           PM               |
>>|         |           Please respond to|
>>|         |           "Derby           |
>>|         |           Discussion"      |
>> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>>  |                                                                           
>>                                                                   |
>>  |       To:       Derby Discussion <>               
>>                                                                   |
>>  |       cc:                                                                 
>>                                                                   |
>>  |       Subject:  Re: 'Invalid checksum on Page' error                      
>>                                                                   |
>> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>>The most usual case that causes a bad checksum error is a
>>hardware problem on the data disk.  I have also seen OS I/O issues
>>where for some reason other data has been written into the derby
>>file.  Have you checked the OS log
>>to see if any errors are being generated?  Could you attach the
>>complete derby.log if it is not too big? Or if not could you at
>>least attach the complete error from this particular error - most
>>of the time the page dump won't help much but sometimes it is
>>interesting if there is something like all 0's in the end of
>>the page.
>>It sounds like this problem on the disk and not a runtime error
>>from your description.  The current error is reporting an error
>>on page 10031, are all the errors you are seeing on the same page?
>>Running the following will check your table, and should report
>>the same error as encountered below if the problem is a persistent
>>on disk error:
>>The only supported way to recover from this error to apply a backup
>>if you have one, and if it was a roll forward backup it will bring
>>the database up to the current state.
>>>       I have apache derby 10.0 running on a MontaVista Linux system
>>>Professional with Linux/i686 2.4.20)  in embedded mode using the
>>>The java level is Sun's jre 1.4.2_04.
>>>There are around 3.5 million records in a table in the DB.
>>>While adding the records I had  one thread inserting rows into this table
>>>at a rate of around 50 msecs.
>>>Another thread is periodically doing selects on this table and some
>>>When the record count was building up to 3.5 million , no deletes were
>>>being done on the table.
>>>I have the transaction log and db temp space in a different directory.
>>>When a thread attempts to delete a record from the table , it catches a
>>>SQLException with the following error message
>>>SQLError:0              SQLState:XJ001           SQLErrMsg:Java
>>>': java.lang.NullPointerException'.
>>>The derby.log file (at the end of this posting )  indicates an invalid
>>>checksum on a page . I have only included the first few lines.
>>>This may have occurred when i was selecting data from the database.
>>>If I restart the application, I sometimes get the same SQLException on
>>>thread that is inserting data , after a few succesful inserts.
>>>When I run the command line client (ij), I am able to select and delete
>>>records from this database.
>>>What would typically cause a checksum error to occur ? Is there a way to
>>>recover from it without losing data ?
>>>====================  Begin derby.log
>>>------------  BEGIN SHUTDOWN ERROR STACK -------------
>>>ERROR XSDG2: Invalid checksum on Page Page(10031,Container(0, 800)),
>>>558,849,496, on-disk version=772,832,532, page dump follows: Hex dump:
>>>00000000: 0075 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 003d 003c  .u..............
>>>00000010: 0000 0042 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ...B............
>>>The trailing stack trace is as follows:
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedResultSet.movePosition(Unknown
>>>       at Source)
>>>      ......
>>>------------  END SHUTDOWN ERROR STACK -------------
>>>2005-09-07 13:54:01.041 GMT Thread[Thread-2,5,main] (XID = 2985973),
>>>(SESSIONID= 1), (DATABASE = /xqjava/db/SAF), (DRDAID = null), Cleanup
>>>action starting
>>>2005-09-07 13:54:01.042 GMT Thread[Thread-2,5,main] (XID = 2985973),
>>>(SESSIONID= 1), (DATABASE = /xqjava/db/SAF), (DRDAID = null), Failed
>>>Statement is: INSERT
>>>INTO  messages_1 ( msg_id, msg_timestamp, msg) VALUES (?,?,?)
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>       at
>>>org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement.execute(Unknown Source)
>>>Cleanup action completed
>>>==================== derby.log
>>>Thanks in advance.

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