I don't have my copy of the X3H2 SQL standard in front of me, but as I remember, the rule for unique constraints is that the uniqueness is applied only to non-null values. The standard is not available on-line (ANSI/ISO protects its copyright vigorously), but I did find a web site that backs me up on this:


This site quotes the following language from the standard on unique constraints:

"there are no two rows in [the relation] such that the value of each column in one row is non-null and is not distinct from the value of the corresponding column in the other row"

Don't laugh (or cry) - this sort of language creates a lot of jobs for consultants. What it means with respect to unique constraints and nulls is that the constraint is enforced only for rows not containing nulls in the constrained columns.

The logic behind this has to do with the standard interpretation of nulls. A null in SQL stands for "value unknown." Since the value of null is unknown, the result of comparing a null to anything is also unknown (e.g. there's no way of knowing whether a null int is equal to 1, since the null could stand for 1 or for any other int value). So boolean logic in SQL has three values: true, false and unknown. You can think of "unknown" as a null boolean value.

So when a column named in a unique constraint contains null, and you want to know whether that value violates the constraint, the answer is neither "yes" nor "no" - it's "I don't know". But when that value is inserted, it must either go into the table or not - the INSERT statement must either succeed or fail ("I don't know" is not a choice when deciding whether to accept or reject data). The SQL standard goes with the rule that a uniqueness constraint is only violated if the DBMS knows that a row contains non-unique values. Thus, multiple nulls are allowed.

Not all database systems follow the SQL standard closely with respect to unique constraints and nulls. According to the web site I quoted above, some of them don't allow unique constraints on nullable columns (the standard does allow this restriction). Other database systems treat nulls as distinct values for the purposes of unique constraints - that is, they allow only one null. The quoted site claims that Oracle considers it a violation for multi-column unique constraints if the non-null values in a row are not unique.

There are a few places in standard SQL where nulls are considered to be distinct values. For example, with ORDER BY nulls are supposed to sort together, and with GROUP BY they are supposed to group together. There aren't many of these exceptions to the general rule that nulls are supposed to be treated an unknown values that could be equal to anything.

Now, having said all this, I must add that I really object to the sarcastic language used by one poster in this thread. It is uncalled for and counterproductive to insult people who are only trying to help.

                       -        Jeff Lichtman
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Check out Swazoo Koolak's Web Jukebox at

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