David W. Van Couvering wrote:

This is a vote for choosing a logo for Apache Derby.

Rules of engagement:

- Please vote for one and only one logo.

- Respond to both derby-dev and derby-all and put an X to the logo of your choice

- Please vote only once. Multiple votes by the same person will be discarded.

- The vote will follow DB project guidelines at http://db.apache.org/decisions.html. Anyone can cast a vote, but only committers have binding votes.

- Only entries submitted to the JIRA item DERBY-297 will be considered.

- The list of logos is officially frozen to those on this ballot. Logos added later will not be considered in the vote.

- If no logo has more than 50% of the votes, there will be a runoff vote of the top three vote getters.

- Voting closes at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8) on Wednesday, December 7


Logo candidates (place an X by your choice).

1. [ ] http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12320870/DerbyLogo_Hat_option1.jpg

2. [ ] http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12321016/DerbyLogo_Hat_option2.jpg

3. [ ]

4. [ ]

5. [ ] http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12310607/andrew-derbyhat1.jpg

6. [ ]

7. [ ]

8. [ ]

9. [ ]

10. [X ] (these all belong together...)
http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12321022/derby_logo_only.jpg http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12321023/derby_with_text.jpg http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12321055/roger_full_showcase.jpg

11. [ ]

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