Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:

As stated in my previous mail, the connection pool is declared
<Resource auth="Container" description="Biblio" name="jdbc/Biblio"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="" password=""
url="jdbc:derby:c:/projects/biblio/database;" maxActive="10" maxIdle="2"/>

And in web.xml I just have a resource-ref, as required by specs:


The code running is (it's a generic code I use to test queries, so don't be afraid about weird coding):

       <sql:query var="result" dataSource="jdbc/Biblio">
         select count(*) from my_table
       <table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>
       <c:forEach items="${result.columnNames}" var="col">
       <c:forEach items="${result.rows}" var="row">
           <c:forEach items="${result.columnNames}" var="col">

The error occur at <sql:query...>, so rest of code is just here to illustrate usage.

At last, the derby.jar and derbypt_BR.jar are in $NETBEANS_HOME/enterprise2/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/commons/lib/, so classes are avaliable to the pool. If I remove them, I get problems with connection (and plain queries stop working).

I expect this helps... I will not have much time free help, but from times to times I'll check to see if there is anything I could contribute.

Best regards,

Edson Richter

Stanley Bradbury escreveu:


Thank you all for the tips.

Before giving up using derby, I have: 1) checked for older versions. No, there are none (in real, I tried a fresh install of Tomcat). I double checked $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext, and tryied including install a new version of JDK (I was using 1.5.0_04 and made a try with
1.5.0_06 - no differences).
I tryied a simple JSP that take a connection from the pool and executed a simple select
count(*) from some_table and error is the same.

Interesting is that I tryied Ij, and the error didn't occured.
But, Ij is not using pt_BR messages, and I suspect error is related (but then I give up: I could not spent more than a couple of hours without sucess searching on the net - I searched Google, MSN, Altavista). db.apache.org was unavaliable yesterday, and I could not search
mailing lists.

So, without web support (even from the list), I could not defend Derby anymore in the project, and manager directed all development to a comercial database, unfortunatelly.

At all, thank you... But don't forget to check what could be wrong - there is a serious
erro/bugr in there.


- Tomcat 5.5.9 embedded in NetBeans 5.0 Beta 2
- Tomcat 5.5.7 embedded in NetBeans 4.1
- Connection obtained with 'jdbc:derby:c:/projects/biblio/database' (it's embedded) - Plain
queries works fine (select * from some_table)
- Aggregate count throw ClassCastException (select count(*) from some_table)

Connection declaration:

<Resource auth="Container" description="Biblio" name="jdbc/Biblio"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="" password=""
url="jdbc:derby:c:/projects/biblio/database;" maxActive="10" maxIdle="2"/>

Here is stack trace:

08/12/2005 16:29:24 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
ERROR 38000: A exceção 'java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.CountAggregator' foi emitida ao avaliar uma expressão. at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source) at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.unexpectedUserException(Unknown
at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.GenericAggregator.getAggregatorInstance(Unknown
at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.GenericAggregator.initialize(Unknown Source)
......  SNIP ...

Hi Edson -

Could you help me setup a test case for this problem? It would be great if you could provide a test case for the problem and file a JIRA entry with the test case attached (please let me know if you can do this). It sounds, however, that you are working to a tight timeframe so I am willing to attempt to create a test case but need some additional information. I have not used NetBeans but know a bit about JSPs with Tomcat. Could you post the information I will need to perform the test you describe as:

".. I tryied a simple JSP that take a connection from the pool and executed a simple select count(*) from some_table and error is the same .."

Here are the things I can think of that will be very helpful: + Having the JSP code would be very helpful - would you post it? + I need to know how the connection pool was defined (what entries were placed in server.xml, the application deployment XML file and the web.xml file). + If there any other settings needed to setup the connection pool in the Tomcat/NetBeans environment please include those also. I have located another report of this stack trace when performing 'select count(*)' in a different server that did not seem to relate to codesets so I am hoping that pt_BR is not required to debug this problem.

Thanks in advance

Hi Edson -

Thanks for the reply - I certainly understand being busy and appreciate your time to respond to my questions. My newbie-academic understanding of Tomcat is that the pool can be defined in a couple of places but most commonly is declared in the server.xml file. Within server.xml it can be declared as a <CONTEXT> element inside the <HOST> element or in the GlobalNaming space within the <Server> element. I have always worked with datasources defined in the Global-Server space and will setup my test in that manner. Please let me know if this not how your system is configured and I will adjust my testing..

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