I am wondering - if you run the test program standalone *with* a SecurityManager, what do you get?

On 2/8/06, Rick Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am tracking down a problem with autoloading jdbc drivers when running
from jar files under the Derby test harness on jdk1.6. Capsule summary:

SUCCESS-1 The drivers correctly autoload (from the information in the
jar file) when I run my test program standalone (without a SecurityManager)

SUCCESS-2 The drivers also correctly autoload if I run the test under
the Derby test harness but disable the SecurityManager

FAILURE  However, the drivers fail to autoload when I run my test
program under the default Derby test harness (which sets up a

The vm silently swallows the failure. When I run these test cases with
the the java -verbose flag, I see the following:

o For the success cases, the autoloading of the driver is logged.

o For the failure (Derby test harness) case, around the same place in
the log, I see AccessControlException being loaded. This is never loaded
in the success cases.

So I seem to have some kind of SecurityManager issue here. But what?
Later on in the failure case, I successfully load the driver using
Class.forName(). What is different in the Derby harness security
environment between autoload time and Class.forName() time? How can I
instrument vm startup to tease open the swallowed
AccessControlException? Would appreciate any advice you may have.


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