Thanks for your work on this, Stanley. Here are some comments, probably more to follow:

- It would be nice to tell the user what each activity is and what they can expect to be able to do and what they will learn as a result of each activity.

- Somehow this section isn't very welcoming. It seems very detail-oriented from the get-go. Is there a way to make it a little more conversational, such as "Welcome to Derby! We think you'll find Derby to be both easy to use and fully functional. In this document we hope to help you get up and running with Derby as quickly as possible."

Think of it as a really nice hotel with the friendly staff welcoming you into to the hotel, or a very good maitre'd welcoming you into a great restaurant.


- You say "mkdir DERBYDBS" and then "cd DERBYDBS" and then "cp something.sql .". This makes no sense, as something.sql must be somewhere else than within DERBYDBS. What is the full path to something .sql?


- 'Activity Sequence' is a bit jargony. Rather than say "The commands in this Activity Sequence perform the following operations" can't you just say "The commands below accomplish the following tasks". And can't you just call it a "Task" rather than an "Activity Sequence"?

- I don't think you need the note about Windows and UNIX commands, that will be quite obvious once the user gets into it

- I am sure you'll fix the jar file name from derbygo.jar to derbyrun.jar?

- I thought you could just say 'java -jar derbyrun.jar ij' (at least, that's how Andrew represented it in his email, maybe he was using shorthand).

- Can you use all caps for the JDBC URL? Does "JDBC:DERBY:FIRSTDB;CREATE=TRUE" really work? I notice in your comment at the end that you use lower-case, so it's inconsistent too.

- In general I would think most people would type in lower-case, not upper-case... I would hate to force people to turn on caps-lock when it's not needed.

Thanks, and I appreciate the incremental approach to reviewing this.


fn:David W Van Couvering
n:Van Couvering;David W
org:Sun Microsystems, Inc.;Database Technology Group
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Staff Software Engineer

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