The statement below has been working fine in Cloudscape 5.1 but it is not working in Derby (we are using
ij> SELECT * FROM admapphdr LEFT  JOIN admappdtl ON (aah_id=aad_aah_id AND
aad_seq_num = (SELECT MAX(a2.aad_seq_num) FROM admappdtl a2));
It is throwing:
ERROR 42972: An ON clause associated with a JOIN operator is not valid.
It works fine if we remove the SELECT MAX (but we need it!)...
admapphdr is a header table with an INTEGER id.
admappdtl is admapphdr's detail table with the same id plus a sequence number for the various detail rows...
Is this a limitation of Derby or are we overlooking something?
Thank you,
Hal Maner

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