Hi  Kristian,

I have given up on re-enabling the BOOLEAN datatype in the near term, for the following reasons:

1) I can't see when or whether the BOOLEAN datatype will make it into the DRDA spec. After 9 months, the spec's governing body has failed to revive. There seems to be very little industry interest in funding the continuation of DRDA spec work.

2) The existing (10.1) behavior of Derby BOOLEAN violates the ANSI casting rules. See DERBY-887. Fixing these casts will break Derby's ODBC metadata and for that reason we suspect that customer applications will break also. This appears to be the kind of compatibility issue which requires a major rather than a minor release of Derby. I see the following options:

a) Expose a BOOLEAN datatype which does not conform to the ANSI spec.
b) Break existing customer applications.
c) Wait until the next major release of Derby before re-enabling BOOLEAN.

My vote would be for (2c) but I don't sense enough enthusiasm for BOOLEAN to justify a major release in the near term.


Kristian Waagan wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi Kathey,

Right now, I'm planning to back out BOOLEAN before the branch.

Hi Rick,

Does this mean the work already done for adding the BOOLEAN-type is not appropriate for completion in 10.3 (or a later release)?

In case the work already done is to be discarded, can the reason(s) behind this decision be (briefly) stated?


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