

I’d like to create a hierarchical table which references itself and enforces uniqueness.  For example:


create table node (

  id                  int not null generated always as identity primary key,

  name                varchar(32) not null,

  fk_parent_id        int,


  unique (name, fk_parent_id),

  foreign key (fk_parent_id) references node (id) on delete cascade



Every node has a parent node, with the exception of root node(s).  Allowing fk_parent_id to be null allows for the root node(s) to exist.  By uniqueness, I mean that there should only be one child node named A for a given parent node; this is why I include the parent node and the node’s name in the unique constraint. 


However, derby fails for the above create statement unless “not null” is added to the spec for fk_parent_id.  It says that a unique key cannot contain a nullable field.  Any ideas on accomplishing the above?




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